Student Selection and Placement System

More than 2.2 million students to take university entrance exam in Turkey

More than 2.2 million students across Turkey will enter the University Entrance Examination (YGS) on March 12, vying to secure a place in the country's top universities.

According to the Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM), some 2,265, 902 students will take the exam, up from the 2,178,563 who took the test last year.  

Turkey's Higher Education Board denies reports of university entrance system change

The Higher Education Board (YÖK) on Dec. 19 denied reports that it is preparing to introduce a new system for high-school graduates' entry to university programs. 

"There has not been any work from YÖK concerning the university admission system. There are no talks with any other ministry either, unlike what was asserted in the related news report," the YÖK stated. 
