
Germany to Reduce Heating in Public Buildings to 19 Degrees

Germany, which fears a shortage of gas, this winter will limit heating in public buildings with a thermostat that will not be able to exceed 19 degrees, announced the Minister of Economy Robert Habeck.

The environmentalist Habeck, who is also the climate minister, already in July presented energy saving measures.

Death toll at Istanbul construction site reveals dark side of building boom in Turkey

The dark side of Turkey’s labor sector was laid bare with the Sept. 6 incident in which 10 workers were killed at a luxury high-rise construction site in Istanbul, but danger is a constant feature of life for laborers around the country, where only 42,000 of 1.6 million workers across Turkey have social security.

Death toll at Istanbul construction site reveals dark side of building boom

The dark side of Turkey’s labor sector was laid bare with the Sept. 6 incident in which 10 workers were killed at a luxury high-rise construction site in Istanbul, but danger is a constant feature of life for laborers around the country, where only 42,000 of 1.6 million workers across Turkey have social security.