Syrian–Turkish normalization

Türkiye calls on Arab League for deeper ties, intense cooperation

Türkiye has reiterated the importance of improving ties and building a common strategic vision with the Arab League and called on the Arab nations to further deepen and institutionalize dialogue with Ankara as both sides are facing the same regional challenges, specifically in the frame of the continued Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

Türkiye's presence in Syria prevents 'terror corridor,' sources say

Defense sources have said Türkiye's military presence in northern Syria is essential to preventing the formation of a "terror corridor" along its border.

"We, as Türkiye, want to see a democratic and prosperous Syria, not one plagued by instability and where terrorist organizations are running rampant," the sources told local media on Aug. 29.

Turkish, Russian diplomats discuss Ankara-Damascus normalization

Senior Turkish and Russian diplomats have discussed the latest developments in Syria amid the latter's efforts to mediate a new round of normalization talks between Ankara and Damascus.

Deputy Foreign Minister Nuh Yilmaz met on Aug. 3 with Russian President Vladimir Putin's Special Representative for Syria Alexander Lavrentiev in Ankara, according to the Turkish Foreign Ministry.