Systemic risk

Central Bank moves to increase market mechanisms’ functionality

Türkiye's Central Bank has announced a measure aimed at simplifying its micro and macroprudential framework.

In a statement released on June 25, the bank recalled that the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) said following the rate-setting meeting on June 22 that the existing micro and macroprudential framework would be gradually simplified, guided by impact analyses.

Over €8 bln spent on houses in Greece last year

The funds invested last year in the housing market nationwide are estimated at over 8 billion euros, highlighting the upward trend in demand but also in prices.

This amount is high considering both the fact that banks no longer finance 100% of the value of properties to be purchased, and the fact that only 20% of purchases and sales are made through bank lending.

Uncertainties linger over US banking industry

Uncertainty continues to pummel the banking industry, despite assurances from financial regulators and bankers such as Jamie Dimon this week that the worst of the recent crisis is over and the health of the banking system remains strong.

Bank shares have sold off on Wall Street this week following the government seizure and subsequent sale of First Republic Bank to JPMorgan.

This is not 2008

Developments over the past week have felt eerily familiar for those of us who followed the global financial crisis in 2008. Analysts argued in early 2008 that Bear Stearns' problems were a result of poor management and a failure to hedge risk. The spread of instability to a European bank (Commerzbank) was considered to be limited. Sound familiar?

Banka Slovenije says financial system stable, but risks elevated

Ljubljana – Banka Slovenije deems Slovenia’s financial system stable, but “the expected deterioration in economic conditions and inflation persisting at high levels means systemic risks to financial stability are elevated”, vice-governor Tina Žumber said as the central bank presented its latest Financial Stability Report on Tuesday.
