Tax reform

Greeks too hard to die…

Greece is a nation that is ageing demographically. A problem facing most developed countries. This fact is compounding the crisis-stricken nation, with more people retiring and less moving into the workforce to make up for the necessary pension funds to cover the retirees.

Greek Civil Servants to Hold 24-Hour Strike Over Bailout Agreement

Greek civil servants are expected to stage a 24-hour strike on Wednesday to protest the bailout agreement, which was reached between the government in Athens and the eurozone leaders on Monday.

Greece agreed to implement strict reforms in return for a third bailout from its international creditors.

Leaked: Greek proposal submitted to creditors (Read the full text)

It could be said that the Greek government and creditors are splitting hairs with both sides proposals being similar but making a difference in the detail. The Greek text was leaked to Kathimerini.

Where are the differences?

– Creditors want Greece to yield 1% of the GDP from VAT but the Greek side can only squeeze 093%.

SYRIZA’s proposed measures are a tax minefield!

After agreeing to yield measures worth 8 bln euros, the government has set up a minefield of VAT increases. VAT increases to food items are particularly tricky with hidden details aimed at yielding 2 bln euros in 15 months!

Here are the government’s hidden tax shocks:

– 45% hike to VAT at Aegean islands
