Ted Cruz

Trump, Clinton capture key wins on US Super Tuesday

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton took big steps toward securing their parties' presidential nominations  on March 1 with a series of state-by-state victories, but their rivals vowed to keep on fighting.

On Super Tuesday, the 2016 campaign's biggest day of nominating contests, Trump, 69, and Clinton, 68, proved themselves the undisputed front-runners. 

Clinton takes Iowa, beating back Sanders' strong challenge

Hillary Clinton narrowly won the Democratic caucuses in Iowa, outpacing a surprisingly strong challenge from Bernie Sanders to claim the first victory in the 2016 race for president.
The former secretary of state and first lady edged past the Vermont senator in a race the Iowa Democratic Party called the closest in its caucus history.

Trump skips debate, wins on social media

Donald Trump was the big winner across social media on the night of Jan. 28 during the seventh Republican presidential debate - despite the fact that he was not even there. 

Trump was the most searched-for candidate on Google during the debate, according to data supplied by the search engine, which co-sponsored the event with Fox News. 

VIDEO: Obama pokes fun at friends and foes in dinner speech

US President Barack Obama skewered allies and rivals alike in a Saturday-night comedy act spiced up with a healthy dash of self-deprecation.
Obama appeared before a ballroom packed with journalists, media types and celebrities for his penultimate White House Correspondents' dinner before finishing his second term next year.

Hillary Clinton expected to announce candidacy for 2016 elections on Sunday

Hillary Clinton is planning to announced her candidacy for the 2016 US presidential elections on Sunday, according to the New York Daily Mail, which quotes an anonymous source.


The former First Lady is possibly going to announce that she will be running for president through a video to be posted on social media.

