Transport for Athens

Infrastructure blueprint for Attica’s Megara area

Upgrading Megara Airport, constructing a new suburban railway and the restructuring of urban transport serving the western Attica area are among the top priorities at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport for the broader Megara area. 

The government's plans for the area were noted on Friday by Deputy Transport Minister Vasilis Oikonomou during a visit to Megara. 

Temporary closure of Maniatika metro station for installation of ticket equipment

The Maniatika metro station in Piraeus will be closed on Saturday and Sunday for the installation of electronic ticket sales equipment. 

This temporary closure marks the initial phase of a project aimed at gradually implementing new entrance and exit gates, automatic ticket machines, and management centers across six stations along the extension of Line 3.

New Year’s Eve working hours for public transportation, shops, and supermarkets

The holiday working hours of public transportation, shops and supermarkets for New Year's Eve day, Sunday, were announced. 

According to Athens Mass Transit System (OASA), bus and trolley routes will conclude by 11 p.m., with last departures from terminals expected between 9 p.m. to 10 p.m. 

OASA advises Airport Express bus passengers to check routes by calling 11185.