Turkish musical instruments

Prodigy plays 10 instruments

A young autistic Turkish young man with a talent for "absolute pitch" can play 10 instruments at a professional level.

Murat Yurtçu, 23, was diagnosed with autism at the age of four when his family took him to a health facility because his speaking and physical abilities were different than his peers.

Music student buys Ottoman kemancha

A stringed instrument that once belonged to a woman in the harem of Sultan Abdulaziz has been bought by a 22-year-old Turkish music student.      
Emine Bostancı, who studies at Rotterdam Conservatory in the Netherlands, bought the three-stringed kemancha from a Canada-based collector for around 20,000 Turkish liras ($5,670).        

Restless Sounds | Thessaloniki | February 22 & 24-26

The Thessaloniki Concert Hall presents a mini-festival titled "Restless Sounds," with performances taking place on February 22, 24, 25 and 26. The concerts will explore the marriage between the modal idioms and musical instruments that are traditional in the Mediterranean and contemporary Western narratives and concepts.