
Incredible footage of the volcano: The eruption could last for months PHOTO/VIDEO

The eruption was also recorded from a satellite, Maxar announced.
The intensity of the eruption has decreased since the dramatic scenes seen on Tuesday morning, although magma continues to seep from the volcano.
Iceland's Foreign Minister Bjarni Benediktsson said experts warned the eruption could last for months.

This is drone footage of the apocalypse PHOTO/VIDEO

As a result of those earthquakes, numerous houses were literally "torn apart", and the entire town of Grindavk near the volcano Fagradalsfjall was turned into a ghost town.
As many as 600 earthquakes have been registered since midnight, and experts say lava could pour out any day. About 4,000 inhabitants were evacuated.

Icelandic Volcano Erupts First Time in 900 Years, Attracts Thousands of Curious Onlookers

Thousands of curious onlookers have flocked to an erupting volcano in Iceland to marvel at the hypnotic display of glowing red lava, the bravest of them grilling hot dogs and marshmallows over the smoldering embers.

The eruption of a fissure near Mount Fagradalsfjall, which began late Friday, was the first in the same volcanic system in about 900 years.