Types of food

Ladenia Kimolou, the Greek pizza

Preheat the oven to 180°C. Sift the flour and mix all the dough ingredients, then knead well until the mixture is homogenized and forms a soft dough.

Let the dough rest for half an hour. Place it in a shallow pan that has been greased with olive oil. Spread the dough with your fingers until it covers the entire surface of the pan.

Only one month a year

Ramadan is all about fasting, but also about feasting. Abstaining from eating during the day, from dawn to sunset, not even having a sip of water, the reward is often lavish tables with the best and the best of all the food available. Some of the most special dishes are prepared during Ramadan, there are always regional favorites for this holy month when the focus is always on food.

Zero VAT on meat and veg in Cyprus

As of last Friday, December 1, the zero VAT rate on meat and vegetables, categorized under specific customs tariff codes, has come into effect in Cyprus. The measure, outlined in a Council of Ministers decree dated November 17, applies to various meat and vegetable products, promoting accessibility to essential food items.

Insects and Vegetables | Athens | November 15

The environmental NGO Astiki Melissa and producers and consumers' community Mpostani are set to present an informative talk about the value of insects in the production and variety of vegetables and which produce would disappear if insects were to go extinct. The event will take place at the Kypseli Municipal Market (agorakypselis.gr) between 3 and 5 p.m. with free admission.


Bulgarian authorities to withdraw Chocolate Eggs because of suspected Salmonella

Chocolate eggs and candies will be withdrawn from the market, after today. The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency was notified through the Warning and Cooperation Network that batches of Kinder eggs and candies are subject to withdrawal due to possible salmonella contamination.