Vecdi Gönül
Outgoing gov't initiates major overhaul in military judiciary
The outgoing government of Turkey has initiated a major overhaul in military judiciary, with a decree also signed by President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an, changing the posts of 70 military judges and prosecutors.
Erdo?an convenes cabinet amid rising Syria border tension
Turkey?s cabinet convened on July 6 under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an to discuss growing tension on the Turkish-Syrian border, amid the advance of jihadist militants in northwestern Syria that could trigger another massive refugee influx.
The new Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül was present at the meeting.
Turkey appoints former defense minister to same post amid Syria conflict
Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has announced former Defense Minister Vecdi Gönül will make a return to his post, replacing outgoing Defense Minister ?smet Y?lmaz, who has been elected as the new parliament speaker.
(Not even) the sky is the limit!
Here is a simple chronology of events that will eventually make Turkey one of the few most advanced countries in the world that can build their own fighter jets.
2002: (Quoting Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu in January 2015): ?Turkey needs Israel even to just have its battle tanks repaired.?
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