Vice President of the European Parliament

EU Parliament’s presidential election: Tajani and Pittella through to final round


Parliament’s President will be elected in a fourth and last ballot between the two best scoring candidates in the third ballot: Antonio Tajani (EPP, IT) and Gianni Pittella (S&D, IT). The vote will start at 20.00. The new President will be announced in plenary session at around 21.30.

Papadimoulis calls for fast and successful review of Greek program in letter to Martin Schulz

In the wake of the wikileaks IMF scandal, Vice President of the European Parliament Dimitrios Papadimoulis sent a letter to the body’s President Martin Schulz, all the EP political group leaders, except Marine Le Pen’s group, and the task force assigned with overseeing the Greek economic program calling for a clear stance against attempts to undermine the implementation of the reform