
New 115 Cases of Coronavirus Registered in Bulgaria

New 115 cases of coronavirus have been registered in Bulgaria in the last 24 hours. They were identified after 20,035 tests were performed. This means that the percentage of infected is 0.57, according to the data in the Unified Information Portal.

The cured for the same period are two more than the newly infected - 117.

Kon took off his mask: "If collective immunity reaches 70 percent, we are safe" VIDEO

"But what has to worry us is - Great Britain. If the Chinese strain was one to infect three, this Indian strain is to infect five to six," says Kon.
He adds that vaccines also protect against the Indian strain, and when asked if it is possible to get symptoms of the virus, in addition to vaccination, he answered:

COVID-19 vaccines and immunity: We are not among the lucky ones

By George Gilson

The global terror wrought by COVID-19 is perhaps most intensely felt by immunosuppressed patients who amidst the wholly justified international jubilation over the discovery of vaccines suddenly discover they are not among the lucky ones.

The emotional roller coaster ride is jolting as I discovered after the second jab of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine.
