
The Odyssey of Balkan revisionism

The book "Balkan Odyssey" is a firsthand account by former British foreign secretary David Owen, who along with former US secretary of state Cyrus Vance (a familiar figure among Greeks from the discussions on the Macedonia name dispute) led the 1992 effort under the secretary-general of the United Nations to address the conflicts in the former Yugoslavia.

Five War Victims Identified from Mass Grave Near Croatia’s Vukovar

Croatia's Minister of Veterans' Affairs, Tomo Medved, said the authorities remain committed to finding all the remaining missing persons from the 1991-95 war, as five more war victims were formally identified on Friday at the Dr Juraj Njavro National Memorial Hospital in the eastern town of Vukovar.

Vukovar Film Celebrates Peace in Post-Conflict Croatian City

On the anniversary of the day in 1995 when the last territory occupied by Serb rebel forces in Croatia's Baranja and Eastern Slavonia region during the war was finally returned to government control, a film screening was held in the city of Vukovar to mark the peaceful reintegration.

Pupovac, Zigmanov sign declaration on cooperation

ZAGREB - The president of Croatia's Serb National Council, Milorad Pupovac, who is also the leader of the Independent Democratic Serb Party, signed with Serbian Human Rights Minister Tomislav Zigmanov, who is also the leader of the Democratic Alliance of Croats in Vojvodina, a declaration on cooperation between Serbs in Croatia and Croats in Serbia.

Picturing War: Demoralised Serbian Fighter Questions the Value of Victory

Milos 'Cvele' Cvetkovic was walking the streets of the devastated Croatian city of Vukovar in November 1991, right after Serbian forces entered the city.

Walking past the ruins of buildings and the dead bodies, he took one of his most significant photographs - one of the town's 'liberators', as they were called in the Serbian media - sitting dejectedly on an ammunition box.

Serbia Grants Vukovar Massacre Convict Early Release

Miroljub Vujovic, a Serb wartime fighter who was convicted in Serbia of participating in killing some 200 prisoners from the Croatian town of Vukovar at the nearby Ovcara Farm in November 1991, has been granted early release based on the Belgrade Appeals Court's conclusion that his "resocialisation" is complete.
