We Continue the Change

Bulgaria: The Leadership meeting between WCC-DB and GERB has been Postponed Again

The leadership meeting between "We Continue the Change-Democratic Bulgaria" and GERB-SDS failed and was again postponed, but without clarity when exactly it should be held. Despite the confirmation of GERB leader Boyko Borissov before the start of the plenary session that he would respond to the meeting invitation, he left without talking to the WCC-DB representatives.

Bulgarian Party "We Continue the Change" might join the EU Liberals

Bulgarian political party "We Continue the Change" intends to become a full member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE). This became clear from the words of Prime Minister Nikolay Denkov, who, together with Finance Minister and co-chairman of WCC Asen Vassilev, participated in the forum of European liberals before the summit in Brussels.

Bulgaria: Three Parties officially nominated the Entrepreneur Vasil Terziev for Mayor of Sofia

The IT entrepreneur Vasil Terziev will be the candidate for Mayor of Sofia of "We Continue the Change", "Democratic Bulgaria" and "Spasi Sofia" with the support of the civic initiative "Ekipat an Sofia". The goal is victory in the first round and a full majority in the Municipal Council.

Survey: Bulgarians Approve of the Cabinet but not the Fact that it is Rotating

Bulgarians approve of the formation of a regular government, but not the principle of a rotating prime minister, according to a nationally representative survey by the sociological agency "Exacta", conducted in the period 12 - 20 June. According to it, 61% of the respondents welcome the formation of a regular cabinet.

Bulgaria’s Interim Govt Blocks Gas Link With Greece

Workers at the construction site of the interconnected IGB gas transmission pipeline, starting at Komotini, Greece and ending at Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, March 2022. Photo: EPA-EFE/DIMITRIS TOSIDIS.

Issues have arisen over the certification of the project, which prompted interim Energy Minister Rosen Hristov, who is yet to publicly comment on the matter, to block the process. 
