
UN rights chief denounces surge in albino attacks

The UN human rights chief on March 10 strongly condemned a surge in attacks in east Africa on albinos, whose body parts are often used for witchcraft.
The statement came after police in Tanzania arrested seven suspects over a brutal weekend assault in which a six-year-old albino boy's hand was hacked off with a machete.

Turkey in 2015: My predictions

As I wrote in my previous piece, 2014 was a horrible year for Turkey, as the bitter political war in the country led to a downward spiral for democracy. The worse news is that 2015 will probably not be any better, for the dynamics that initiated the downward spiral seem quite persistent and even well established; the government now has many "enemies" that it wants to crush or subdue.

‘Witch doctor’ arrested for fleecing clients of over 23,000 euros

A 44-year-old woman who posed as a witch doctor to con victims out of more than 23,500 euros was on Thursday arrested in Trikala, central Greece.

The woman, who claimed to have magical healing powers and performed exorcism rituals, was set to appear before a prosecutor.
