Women and death

Istanbul - city of legends and fairy tales

Historic fact or stories related on a winter?s night around a camp fire? There?s no end to Istanbul?s extraordinary life A city of 400 legends and 100 fairy tales could only be Istanbul, the mysterious city overlooking the Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus Strait and the Golden Horn. Oh, what stories these walls and streets could tell if only we could hear them.

Juliette Binoche as Antigone

We saw Juliette Binoche for the first time in Krzysztof Kieslowski’s “Three Colours: Blue” movie and we fell in love with her talent. The French actress has visited Greece many a time and is a huge fan of ancient drama. In a few weeks, the actress will be acting out Antigone, in London the famous Sophocles ancient tragedy, this time directed by Ivo Van Hove.

