Working dogs

Olympic security aided by 13 Greek officers, and Brenda

Thirteen members of the Hellenic Police (ELAS) and a K-9 dog assisted the French authorities for the 2024 Olympics this summer.

The police officers' responsibilities included the detection of explosives, forged documents and the fight against illegal immigration.

The team consisted of four women and eight men and one liaison officer at the Center for International Cooperation.

Army dogs undergo tough training

The dogs of the Turkish Armed Forces are receiving tough training at the Dog Training Battalion in the northwestern province of Bursa.

The battalion has been training dogs since 1963. Dogs of 12 different breeds, six of which are local, are produced and raised at the center in Bursa and receive challenging training in eight branches.

Armed forces’ search dogs awarded for rescuing 78 people

Search and rescue dogs, dubbed the "silent heroes," of the Turkish Armed Forces have been awarded for saving the lives of 78 people from the rubble following the deadly Kahramanmaraş-centered quakes that ripped through Türkiye's south last month.

A total of 29 dogs from the Turkish Armed Forces Humanitarian Aid Brigade were taken to the quake zone with their teams.

Chips inserted into Kangals to monitor world-famous dogs

Officials started inserting chips into Kangals, world-renowned shepherd dogs, to monitor and protect the gene structure of the animals who are native to the Central Anatolian province of Sivas.

The chipping process is being held in a hub named "Kangal Training, Protection and Reproduction" recently opened at Meraküm Hill, a region 10 kilometers away from the city center.

First Covid-infected traveler detected by Sibiu airport K9 sniffer dog

In a first for Romania, a Covid-infected man was correctly sniffed out Friday night by a specially trained police dog upon his arrival at the Sibiu International Airport, where he landed from Madrid; the passenger had received the complete vaccination scheme, Colonel Daniel Chelcea, director general of the Public Health Directorate (DSP), told AGERPRES.
