
Sale of Ottoman sultan’s throne stirs debate

A throne, which is believed to belong to Abdülhamid II, the 34th sultan of the Ottoman Empire, has been sold for 100,000 Turkish Liras ($16,200) on the condition that it was not taken abroad, but the sale has stirred reactions.

A businessman bought the throne at the Istanbul Art and Antiques Fair by Nilgün Şensoy, a lecturer and antiquarian at the Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University.

'A Mountain Tale' by Yıldız Moran at Istanbul Modern

In a new exhibition titled "Yıldız Moran: A Mountain Tale," Istanbul Modern Photography Gallery presents the works of Yıldız Moran, Turkey's first academically trained woman photographer who lived between 1932 and 1995. Moran, who was active in the 1950s, is one of the most important photographers to have emerged from Turkey. 

Gov't determined to raise generations acquainted with religion: President Erdoğan

The government is "determined to raise generations acquainted with their religion, history and culture," Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Aug. 4 at the opening of Istanbul's Yıldız Hamidiye Mosque after a four-year restoration period. 
