
September 22 Marks the Start of Autumn in 2024

This year, astronomical autumn will begin on Sunday, September 22, at 15:43 Bulgarian time. At that moment, the Sun will cross the celestial equator during the autumnal equinox, which occurs in the constellation Virgo.

Since 2024 is a leap year, the start of autumn comes about 18 hours earlier than last year, when the season began on September 23 at 09:50.

Summer Solstice: Earliest in 228 Years Marks Astronomical Milestone

Today marks the commencement of astronomical summer in the Northern Hemisphere with the summer solstice, a significant event in Earth's annual orbit around the Sun. According to reports from USA Today, this year's solstice is noteworthy as it is the earliest occurrence in 228 years.

The Astronomical Winter Has Arrived

This morning, at 5:27 a.m., the astronomical onset of winter commenced, marking the start of the winter solstice as well. As per the Institute of Astronomy's calendar, this day signifies the sun's southernmost position for the year. Today's sunrise is at 7:53 a.m., while sunset is expected at 4:55 p.m., providing a daylight duration of 9 hours and 2 minutes between December 20 and 24.

School holidays change again: Here's how next school year's curriculum will look like

According to the new school curriculum, instead of the autumn break, primary school students will have an extended weekend lasting three days, while high school students will have a winter vacation seven days shorter than elementary school students.

The Astronomical Spring is Here

At 05:49 am, the astronomical spring began in Bulgaria.

The sun, in its apparent movement in the ecliptic, crosses the spring equatorial point, and from the southern hemisphere passes into the north. This is also one of the two days of the year where the day and night are approximately equal in duration.

The Astronomical Spring is Coming

The astronomical spring in Bulgaria this year will be on March 20 at 23:58.

The sun, in its apparent movement in the ecliptic, crosses the spring equatorial point, and from the southern hemisphere passes into the north. This is also one of the two days of the year where the day and night are approximately equal in duration.

Plugusorul, sorcova - New Year's Romanian traditional customs

The ceremonial of the symbolic renewal of the calendar year over December 31 - January 1 means the burial of the old year and the birth of the new one, and it is called the old year before and the new year, after the midnight.

The Year divinity is born, grows, ages and dies along the calendar year and revives after 365 days, and 366 in leap years.
