Zubin Potok

Alert sirens sounded in all four north Kosovo municipalities

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Alert sirens were sounded on Friday in all four Serb-majority municipalities in the north of Kosovo-Metohija - Zubin Potok, Kosovska Mitrovica, Zvecan and Leposavic - as residents gathered around municipal buildings in Zubin Potok, Zvecan and Leposavic to prevent Pristina's police from taking control of them.

Contested North Mitrovica Mayor Inaugurated Amid Serb Boycott

The newly elected mayor of the Kosovo-Serb majority municipality of North Mitrovica took his oath of office on Friday in a tense atmosphere following extraordinary local elections a month ago that most local Serbs shunned. 

Erden Atic is a member of the ruling Vetvendosje party, which has few members in the town.

Vučić addresses the public today

Just to recall that 1,566 Albanians and 13 Serbs took part in the special elections in four municipalities in the north of Kosovo and Metohija, said the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Petar Petkovi. Petkovi specified that in the north of Kosovska Mitrovica, two persons of Serbian nationality voted, seven in Leposavic, four in Zvean, and none in Zubin Potok.

Armed ROSU special forces in North Mitrovica VIDEO

The vehicles are stationed near the eastern bridge that divides South and North Mitrovica, and members of the ROSU are armed with long barrels. The situation is calm at the moment.
Namely, this morning, the Kosovo Police announced that the vehicles of the border police in the village of Zupe in Zubin Potok were shot at.

Concern over ‘Uncontrolled’ Security Cameras in Serb- Dominated North Kosovo

There are two close to the bus station in North Mitrovica, several in Zvecan and others in a village of Zubin Potok.

But while, by law, security cameras directed at public streets should be the sole responsibility of Kosovo's police force, dozens observed by BIRN in three Serb-majority municipalities in the country's north are not apparently under anyone's control.

In North Kosovo, Mining for Bitcoin on ‘Free’ Electricity

He said 'No', only to be approached again earlier this year, this time for the annex of his house.

"They asked if they could put in 15 machines," said Selim, who asked that his real name not be used. "First they offered me 15 euros per unit [per month], then they increased it to 20 euros."
