Krasimir Nikolov

Results by Regions in Bulgaria: 1.5% Difference in Sofia, 18 Cities Now have a Mayor

See results by regions as of 7:00 a.m. on November 6 with nearly 100% of counted protocols:


Metodi Baikushev (WCC-DB) won with 50.21% over the previous mayor Ilko Stoyanov (independent), who won 47.24% support. The data is for 100% processed protocols in the Regional Election Committee (REC).


Where will there be Runoffs in Bulgaria's Local Elections: Results by City

In which cities and towns in Bulgaria will there be a runoff, this is revealed by the data from the Central Election Commission this morning. The data is still inconclusive. The percentages of protocols processed by city are different. As of 1 p.m., they are 100% in all regional cities except Sofia, Plovdiv and Shumen.


Businessman Shot in Bulgaria's Vratsa

Businessman Krasimir Nikolov was shot in front of his home in the town of Vratsa on Thursday night.

Nikolov was shot six times by a masked gunman, with the bullets wounding him in the arms, legs and abdomen.

He was immediately transported to the emergency department of the hospital in Vratsa where his condition was stabilised.