Abdulbaki Somer

68 PKK militants and PYD head Saleh Moslim indicted for deadly Ankara bombing

Prosecutors on Nov. 30 sought life sentences for 68 suspects, including senior leaders of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and Salih Moslim, the head of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Union Party (PYD), linked to the bomb attack on a military bus in Ankara earlier this year that killed 29.    

Turkish police detain eight during operation on Ankara bomber's commemoration

Turkish police have detained eight suspects during an operation on a mosque in eastern Van province, where the Ankara bomber's family was receiving condolences, after Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) deputy Tu?ba Hezer created outrage by paying a visit to the commemoration. 

Report Suggests Ankara Suicide Bomber Was Turkish Citizen with Fake Syrian ID

According to initial report within the investigation, the perpetrator of the suicide bomb attack in Ankara last week was a Turkish citizen who had entered the county with a fake Syrian identity document.

The bomber has been identified as Abdulbaki Somer, who was born in the southeastern Turkish province of Van, Hurriyet Daily News informs.