
The Greek who shook up Hesse

Robert Lambrou, the candidate of the xenophobic Alternative for Germany (AfD) in the elections for the parliament of the State of Hesse, is full of contradictions. Although he is the son of a Greek man from the town of Thiva, he is an official of a party which was founded with the sole aim of throwing Greece out of the euro.

Euobserver: Germany Eyes First Federal Migrant Repatriation Centre

Germany is set to create its first federal migrant repatriation centre over the summer, reports EUobserver. 

State secretary Stephan Mayer told the newspaper that the centre was a top priority for the new government. The centre is likely to be built in Bavaria or in Hessen. The aim is to speed up returns of people whose asylum requests have been rejected.

Athens mayor in Kassel for documenta14 phase two

Athens Mayor Giorgos Kaminis will attend Saturday's launch of documenta 14 in the German city of Kassel, the traditional home of the art exhibition, where it is to run until September 17.

For the first time in the exhibition's 60-year history, documenta was held outside its traditional home, premiering in Athens on April 8, where it is to continue until July 16.

From Parthenon of banned books to pipe homes of refugees - documenta 14 kicks off in Kassel

A life-sized model of the Greek Parthenon - covered in forbidden books donated from around the world - stands in central Kassel right where Nazis once burned banned books.

It is a centerpiece of Germany's biggest contemporary art exhibit, documenta 14.

Don't miss the point

It just takes a visit to the National Museum of Contemporary Art, which opened - no small feat considering how many years of failed efforts it's taken - to welcome one of the main exhibitions of the documenta 14 international art fair, to understand the spirit, sheer breadth and kaleidoscopic approach of this event, one of the world's biggest and most important.

Documenta 14 expands into Athens

Polish artistic director of Documenta 14 art exhibition, Adam Szymczyk, is seen during an opening press conference at the Athens Concert Hall on Thursday. The exhibition will be hosted in several venues in the Greek capital from April 8 to July 16, and from June 10 to September 17 in Kassel, Germany. [EPA]
