
Two Strings | Athens | October 22

St Paul's Anglican Church presents "Sounds - Two Strings Combinations," featuring Eleni Papadopoulou on violin and Isidoros Sideris on the cello, on Sunday, October 22. The concert is designed to showcase how the combination of the two instruments produces sounds that "unite" and "divide," creating the sensation of a multi-handed instrument. Starts at 8.30 p.m. and admission costs 12 euros.

The ‘History’ and ‘How to’ of Komboloi aka the Greek Worry Beads (VIDEO)

The Komboloi may be one of the most typical symbols of the Greek easy-going mentality that has been widely established both in Greece and Cyprus since the middle of the 20th century. Yet the history of the komboloi and its origins date back to time, when monks in Mount Athos began making strands of beads by tying knots on a string at regular intervals in order to say their prayers to God.

Shibue. The lingerie that covers virtually nothing! (sexy photos)

Not long ago the g-string was a sexy piece of underwear. Then it was replaced by the c-string. But it seems that is also passé. Here comes an even smaller piece of lingerie, if that can be possible, called the ‘Shibue’. The new piece, it is literally just a piece, covers the absolute bare minimum of a lady’s private area.