
Roma and Sinti Holocaust Victims’ Stories Told in Kosovo Exhibition

It also includes family pictures that illustrate how Roma and Sinti people were integrated into local life in Germany and German documents and testimonies by Nazis that explain how Roma and Sinti people were systematically dehumanized.

Denis Avdi of the Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians NGO, which co-organised the exhibition. Photo: BIRN/Serbeze Haxhiaj.

Romania to Punish Anti-Roma Acts with up to 10 Years in Jail

The Romanian parliament on Tuesday adopted a law that will punish anti-Roma "verbal or physical" actions with prison terms ranging from three months to 10 years.

A total of 244 deputies voted for the law, which only one MP rejected. Some 20 legislators abstained and eight did not take part in the vote, according to the Romanian parliament's website.

Minister takes part in painting over anti-Roma graffiti

Aleksandar Vulin, representatives of the Roma National Council, and of Belgrade's Cukarica municipality have taken part the removal of anti-Roma graffiti.

The graffiti called for violence against this ethnic minority, including messages such as, "Death to Gypsies," "Serbia for Serbs," "Not for Gypsies," along with swastikas and "SS division symbols."
