Turkey now has voice on all critical world issues: Erdoğan
The Taliban's actions and not words will determine the future Afghanistan process, the Turkish president said on Aug. 25.
President Erdoğan to hold roundtable call with US CEOs
Turkish President Tayyip Erdoğan will hold a roundtable call with several U.S. corporate chief executives on May 26 to highlight both countries' growing cooperation, Turkey's embassy in Washington confirmed on May 25.
Turkish composer gives voice to suffering in Kashmir
A Turkish composer known for several other works on such international issues as Jerusalem hopes to give voice to the plight of Kashmir with a new song he released Kashmir Solidarity Day.
Turkey's Erdogan, Germany's Gauck Display Mutual Reproof
The German President Joachim Gauck is "still behavings as a pastor" and not as a statesman, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Tuesday.
Erdogan also accused Gauck of intervening into Turkey's internal affairs.