
Beşiktaş mayor says May 19 celebrations banned by Istanbul governor's office

The Commemoration of Atatürk, Youth and Sports Day celebrations scheduled to be held in Istanbul's Beşiktaş district on May 19 have been banned by the Istanbul Governor's Office, Beşiktaş Mayor Murat Hazinedar has said, while Istanbul Governor Vasip Şahin said he did not have any information on the issue. 

Police detain 38 people at protests over referendum result

A total of 38 people were detained in Istanbul over protesting the Supreme Election Board's (YSK) last-minute decision to accept unstamped ballots as valid in the April 16 constitutional referendum.

Freedom and Solidarity Party (ÖDP) provincial manager Mesut Geçgel is among those detained in an operation carried out by anti-terror police on April 19, daily Birgün reported. 

CHP's Beşiktaş mayor referred to party disciplinary board on corruption claims

The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has launched an investigation into Murat Hazinedar, the mayor of the Istanbul district of Beşiktaş, on claims of corruption.
"The CHP Central Executive Board has decided to refer our Beşiktaş mayor to the disciplinary committee," CHP Deputy Chair and Spokesperson Selin Sayek Böke said after the board meeting on Oct. 13.