
Lessons not learned

The Greek media landscape has entered a period of tumultuous changes and realignments that will have an impact for years to come.

However, the government does not seem to have learned from the mistakes of others where the results were nothing short of tragic, even though this is such an important area.

Roman Catholic priests empowered to “forgive” abortion sin

On Monday, Pope Francis extended the power of Roman Catholic priests to forgive the “grave sin” of abortion, in what has been described by some as a “signature gesture” from the Catholic Church’s just-ended Jubilee Year of Mercy.

The power to forgive abortion was a right previously reserved only for bishops or special confessors.

Pope Francis: All Priests Have Right To Grant Absolution for Abortion

All priests will have the right to grant absolution for abortion, announced Pope Francis on Monday, reported AFP.

This was a temporary measure introduced on the occasion of the jubilee year of the Vatican but, now, the decision of the leader of the Catholic Church will remain permanent.