Yves Mersch

ECB 'still has ammunition' to boost eurozone: board member

Financial markets may have been disappointed by the European Central Bank's latest round of policy moves, but it still has other measures up its sleeve to boost recovery in the euro area, executive board member Yves Mersch said.  

"As the Gauls say, if the sky doesn't fall in, we still have other ammunition we can use," Mersch told journalists at a dinner late on Dec. 9.  

Mersch says Draghi comments reflect Trichet’s 'strong vigilance’

The European Central Bank has indicated that it is close to easing monetary policy in June, according to Executive Board member Yves Mersch.

ECB President Mario Draghi’s comment on May 8 that officials are “comfortable” with taking action next month is similar to the policy signals given by his predecessor, Jean- Claude Trichet, Mersch said at an event in Berlin.