Elina Tsankova is the New PR and CSR Manager of Carlsberg Bulgaria

Elina Tsankova is the new PR and CSR manager of Carlsberg Bulgaria since the beginning of August. She will be responsible for the internal and external communication of the company in order to contribute to its positive image as an employer, business partner and leading beer producer in the country, as well as for social projects, relations with media, institutions and more.

Veliko Tarnovo: Over 203,000 Tourists Visit Local Museums in the First 6 Months of the Year

Veliko Tarnovo. 203,253 tourists visited the museum sites in Veliko Tarnovo in the first half of the year, compared to 202,895 visitors in the same period last year, Sonya Petrova, PR manager at the Regional Museum of History, told Focus Radio. "The increase was minimal, but here is the trend.

Cinemascop: Hundreds of people watch the movies screened by Czech Centre, admire AGERPRES photo exhibition

The Cinemascop Film Festival closed Sunday night, after five days of film screening and AGERPRES photo exhibition mounting admired by hundreds of people in the Eforie Sud Black Sea resort's summer garden.

Wish list for 2017

Personally, I'm fed up with my New Year's resolutions. I do not have the discipline to keep them. It might be that my resolutions prove to be the mundane, unrealistic ones: abstaining from alcohol, regular exercise, losing weight and stopping procrastinating.