
Mostly Sunny with Maximum Temperatures of 1-6°C

It will be mostly sunny today. Before noon, there will be fog or inversion clouds in some parts of the lowlands.

It will be almost quiet. The maximum temperatures are expected at between 1°C and 6°C, for Sofia around 4°C.

This is the weather forecast of the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (NIMH), quoted by FOCUS News Agency.

NIMH: Fog in Some Areas in the Morning, Maximum Temperatures 22-27°C

The atmospheric pressure will decrease during the day but will remain higher than the average for October.

The weather will be mostly sunny today, with high scattered clouds over Western Bulgaria.

In the morning, there will be fog or inversion clouds in some places in the lowlands. There will be almost no wind.

Environment Ministry recommends restricted fireplace use

The Environment Ministry is calling on people around the country not to use fireplaces or solid fuel and biomass stoves on Friday due to the likelihood of high levels of hazardous air pollution forming.

The ministry said that conditions of no winds and thermal inversion are conducive to airborne particulate matter pollution.