Union Institute

Low Wages Drive Labor Shortages in Bulgaria and Europe

Labor shortages have become a key issue discussed at the recent EU Council of Employment and Social Policy Ministers (EPSCO) meeting. While employers often point to a lack of skills as the primary reason for the shortage, a study by the European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) highlights a different perspective, revealing that low wages play a significant role.

ETUC: Low Wages Leave 3 Million Workers in EU Without Heating, Bulgaria in Second Place

Due to the low salaries they receive, almost three million people in the European Union cannot afford to heat their homes, even though they work. This shows an analysis of Eurostat data from the European Trade Union Institute, published by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

European Trade Union: Salaries in Bulgaria Grow, But Very Slowly

A study of the European Trade Union Institute and the European Trade Union Confederation has found out that Bulgaria, Poland and Germany are the only countries in the EU where the average rate of actual wage rise during the period 2009-2016 was higher than that marked during 2001-2008, quoted by BNR.