European Central Bank

The Almanac for the Presidency of the Republic: All the candidates that were considered

According to Article 31 of the Constitution, anyone can be elected President of the Republic provided they are a Greek citizen for at least five years, are of Greek descent from either their father or mother, are at least 40 years old, and have the legal capacity to vote.

Holy Days, the Japanese gift from K.M. to Pier, Trump’s channel via Patelis, Tsamaz’s plan, Piladakis’s casino, and the lawsuits in Petalioi

Hello! Today we wrap up for the first round of Christmas holidays with warm wishes to all our readers—for health, happiness, and peace of mind. May there be less “toxic material” around us. As I close with these wishes, I can’t help but comment on something that doesn’t annoy me but… amazes me.

Factory settings and PASOK’s front running, Onassis Foundation model schools, Masoutis acquires Kritikos, Lou Kollakis’s business ventures

Hello, holidays and vacations are arriving with good weather, a bit of chill, and some snow, normal for the season. We hear about upcoming natural disasters almost every other day, but thankfully we don’t see them materializing. On the contrary, roads and shops are jam-packed, and hotel and airline bookings, both domestic and international, are nearly sold out.

Androulakis in the Parliament: PASOK pressure brings Mitsotakis’ announcements on banks

The opposition leader attributed the announcements the prime minister is to make tonight on banks to pressure from PASOK while making it clear that his party is not proposing the administrative determination of interest rates – as the government claims – but is calling for the implementation of a Supreme Court ruling that banks are obliged to lower them when the ECB’s interest rates are reduced

Banks’ bonus to borrowers

Interest rates for some 400,000 housing loans concluded with a floating rate and whose installments had frozen at the levels of May 2023, when the European Central Bank's interest rate was at 3.5% and the 3-month Euribor at 3%, are now free to decline.
