Asset and liability management

Banks are investing in bonds

Greek banks made new purchases of bonds and investment assets amounting to 9.3 billion euros in 2023, financed by the excess liquidity secured through the increase in deposits, as in the absence of sufficient demand for new loans the credit sector is looking for investment opportunities with high yields.

Moody’s upgrades outlook for Turkish banks

Moody's Investors Service has changed its outlook to stable for Turkish banks, saying that for the Turkish banking system is stable as operating conditions improve following the elections.

The government's initial steps to return to orthodoxy in policymaking following the elections in May is supportive of operating conditions for Turkish banks, the rating agency said in a new report.

Firms’ FX assets rose in March

The Central Bank data on the foreign exchange assets and liabilities of non-financial companies showed that those firms' assets increased by $349 million, while their liabilities decreased by $5.9 billion in April from March.

Accordingly, the net foreign exchange deficit was $105 billion indicating a decrease of $6.3 billion from March.

Net int'l investment position improves in July

Turkey's net international investment position (NIIP) continued recovering this July, with the overall figure being 26.2 percent lower than at the end of last year, the Turkish Central Bank said on Sept. 20.

The country's external assets grew 10.3 percent to $282 billion, while its liabilities against non-residents fell 11.8 percent to $572 billion, the latest data showed.

Chipita – Countdown to complete humongous 2 billion euro acquisition

Conversely, time is running out for the formal completion of the agreement concerning the humongous 2 billion euro acquisition of the Chipita company by the multinational Mondelez, after the valuation report of PwC and the relevant decisions of the company's board at the end of June 2021.

Turkey's assets abroad total $250.2 bln in first quarter

Turkey's external assets reached $250.2 billion in the first three months of 2021, an increase of 3.5 percent from the end of last year, Turkish Central Bank data showed on May 20.

The country's liabilities against non-residents fell 8.6 percent to $589.5 billion during the January-March period.
