Polski Trambesh

Bulgaria Elects, CEC: More than 10 Sections Go to Paper Voting

Problems with voting machines in many places in Bulgaria. In 5 sections in the country, the Central Election Commission / CEC / decided yesterday to move to ballot paper voting due to problems with machines. This was said by CEC Chairwoman Kamelia Neykova. The five sections are in Dobrich, Karnobat, Brusartsi, Polski Trambesh and the village of Yankovo.

Another Laboratory for Coronavirus Testing is about to be Opened In Bulgaria

Another COVID-19 Disease Testing Laboratory will be opened at the MMA, the regular briefing given at the MMA every afternoon has revealed.

There are no positive samples for coronavirus in Bulgaria. This was announced by the head of the MMA  Prof. Ventsislav Mutafchiiski.

The Fire in the Old Landfill in Svishtov is Under Control, Crews on Site are Monitoring the Situation

The fire in the old landfill of Svishtov has been contained. The state of emergency in the municipality will remain in place until 23 August, Mayor of Svishtov Gencho Genchev told Focus Radio - Veliko Tarnovo.

Bulgarian Food Safety Agency Confirmed New Outbreaks of African Swine Fever in the Regions of Pleven and Veliko Tarnovo

The Bulgarian Food Safety Agency (BNSA) found two new outbreaks in private farms in the city of Iskar, Iskar municipality, Pleven and Klimentovo, Polski Trambesh, Veliko Tarnovo. In both farms there were nearly 30 pigs.

Bulgaria is Third in the EU to be Financed by the Juncker Plan in Respect to GDP

Bulgaria ranks third in the EU in terms of the Junker plan on the gross domestic product of the country. Before Bulgaria are Estonia and Greece, according to data from the European Strategic Investment Fund (EFSI), known as the Juncker Plan, in December 2017, reports Mediapool.bg