Political engineering

EC OKs Bulgaria's Good Governance, Science&Education Operational Programs

The European Commission has approved operational programs Good Governance and Science and Education for Smart Growth for the 2014-2020 programming period, according to the press office of the Bulgarian government.

Operational program Good Governance, which is the successor of the Administrative Capacity OP and the Technical Assistance OP, is worth over EUR 335 M.

Bulgarian Cabinet Adopts Governance Programme

The Bulgarian Cabinet adopted on Wednesday the government's programme on stable development of the country for the period 2014-2018.

The governance programme has been devised in accordance with the coalition agreement for the formation of a pro-European reformist government for the sustainable development of Bulgaria, the government's press service reports.

Top Turkish court rejects appeal of convicted 1980 military coup leaders

The Constitutional Court has unanimously rejected individual applications filed by Kenan Evren and Tahsin Şahinkaya, the two 1980 military court leaders convicted to life imprisonment last week. The applications had been made on the grounds that Evren and Şahinkaya suffered “rights violations” during their trial.