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Anonymous 1 Million BGN Donation To Sofia University's Faculty Of Economics
At the end of the calendar year 2023, the Association of Graduates of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (FEBA Alumni Club) of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration received a donation of 1,000,000 BGN for scholarships to support students and pupils with their monthly living expenses for the next 10 years.
Distance education spreads among high school students
Nine percent of high school students in the country prefer to continue their education through distance learning, where they do not physically attend school and carry out all exams and learning processes remotely as this preference has increased in recent years, local media has reported.
Huge challenges for next Archbishop of America after Demetrios’ resignation
By George Gilson
Greek Orthodox Archbishop Demetrios of America assumed his position as a result of a revolt in the body of the Church and he is now stepping down largely as the result of a major financial scandal that has rocked the nearly bankrupted the Archdiocese and scandalised the flock.