Trust law

Trust trumps fear

When the coronavirus emergency is over, the extent to which life will have changed will depend on the length of the disruption, the number of lives it took and the way each country and transnational organization dealt with the crisis.

The day after will depend on the level of trust that exists between citizen and state, between countries.

Brussels takes over PPC plant sale procedure

The government is ceding control of the sale of Public Power Corporation's (PPC) lignite-powered plants, according to pledges made by Athens to the European Commission, Kathimerini has learned.

The entire process will be conducted by a so-called "monitoring trustee," who will have the role of on-the-spot inspector from the Commission's Directorate General for Competition (DGComp).

Sending the wrong signal

Although we're not in pre-election period, the government has launched a campaign of handouts and politically motivated appointments. Greece has just won back the confidence of international markets, but this trust remains extremely fragile.

Desolate Elliniko

The economy is in dire need of stability and trust, and yet many players who ought to pursue these goals seem indifferent to them. From the beginning it was clear that Greece's crisis was not about debt alone, it was also political and cultural.

IRES survey finds DNA, DIICOT trusted by majority of Romanians

A survey conducted by polling agency IRES (the Romanian Institute for Assessment and Strategy) between March 9 - 10 found that 63 percent of the Romanians have high and very high confidence in the National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA), while the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) enjoys the trust of 55 percent of the citizens.
