Eric Stewart

Cvetkovic meets with ACEBA president in Washington

WASHINGTON - Serbian Minister of Economy Slobodan Cvetkovic met with American-Serbian Business Council and American-Central European Business Association (ACEBA) President Eric Stewart in Washington.

Cvetkovic noted that meetings between Serbian and US businesspeople must be intensified as a further step towards carrying out projects of mutual interest.

Foreign Minister, Executive President of AMRO, about inventory of interest topics for American companies

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bogdan Aurescu, welcomed on Thursday, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE), Eric Stewart, Executive President of the American Romanian Business Council, context in which he requested his interlocutor to elaborate an inventory of interest topics for American companies, which would offer more concreteness to the discussions with the AMRO mi

ForMin Aurescu pleads for increased US economic presence in Romania, the region

Romania's Foreign Minister Bogdan Aurescu on Thursday met Chairman of the American-Romanian Business Council (AMRO) Eric Stewart, to whom he underscored the commitment of the Romanian authorities to deepen and increase the dynamics of the economic dimension of the strategic partnership between Romania and the US, pleading in favour of increased US economic presence in Romania and the region.

PM Victor Ponta meets CIA Director John Brennan in Washington

Prime Minister Victor Ponta has had a meeting on Thursday with the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), John Brennan, where both underlined the progress recorded within the Romania-US Strategic Partnership, the Romanian Government informs in a press release sent AGERPRES.

Photo credit: (c) LIVIU SOVA / AGERPRES FLOW

Mircea Geoana pays working visit to Washington, has meeting with Victoria Nuland on agenda

Social Democratic Party (PSD) Senator Mircea Geoana will be paying Saturday through Thursday a working visit to Washington, where he will talk with US officials about the introduction of the 'Romania Gateway' project in the strategy of the US State Department concerning the New Silk Road, according to a release remitted to AGERPRES.