Greek literature

Qualco Foundation supports the Odysseas Elytis Museum: A tribute to Greece’s literary legacy

The Odysseas Elytis Museum comes to life thanks to the support of the Qualco Foundation, 28 years after the poet’s death and 45 years after he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature. The Foundation, recognizing the importance of preserving Greek cultural heritage, contributed to the establishment of the new museum, making it a dedicated space for the memory and work of Odysseas Elytis.

Achilles, Odysseus… Erotokritos? | Athens | February 6

The Gennadius Library at the American School of Classical Studies ( in Athens is hosting the 41st annual lecture in honor of Francis R. Walton - a noted bibliophile and classical scholar who specialized in the study of ancient Greek religion - on Tuesday, February 6. In this talk, professor of Greek and Latin literature at Stanford University Richard P.

Κυβερνοεπιθέσεις παρέλυσαν κρατικές ιστοσελίδες της Σλοβακίας και της Πολωνίας

Ποιες υπηρεσίες επηρεάστηκαν - Ερευνάται η προέλευση των επιθέσεων

Βιασμός 12χρονης: Εμπρηστικός μηχανισμός στην πολυκατοικία του Ηλία Μίχου

Από την έκρηξη  έσπασε η τζαμαρία της εισόδου - Αναζητούνται οι δράστες της επίθεσης
