Bled Strategic Forum

Vucevic: Serbia remains on EU path as its main political objective

BLED - Serbian PM Milos Vucevic said in Bled, Slovenia, on Monday Serbia had no "plan B" when it comes to its EU path and that EU accession had been a geostrategic definition of Serbia and its main political objective in the past 20 years.

Serbia remains on the EU path, he told a Bled Strategic Forum panel of government leaders.

Bled Strategic Forum to focus on solidarity for global security

The Bled Strategic Forum (BSF), Slovenia's prime foreign policy event, will be held on 28 and 29 August for the 18th year. Running under the title Solidarity for Global Security, it will explore ways of ensuring global security by working together.

The organisers announced the theme of the international conference on 28 July, but the names of the participants are yet to be revealed.

Green transition, digitalisation key for recovery, BSF debate hears

Bled – A debate on post-pandemic recovery at the Bled Strategic Forum (BSF) on Wednesday noted the importance of green transition and digitalisation for the process, with a broad agreement that economic measures must go hand in hand with healthcare measures, in particular vaccination.

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