
Known Islamist Shot Dead in Berlin after Knife Attack on Police Officer

German police have shot dead a convicted Islamist in Berlin who stabbed a policewoman with a knife and seriously injured her, the BBC reported.

Police were called to Spandau district, in western Berlin, after reports that a man was wielding a knife in the street, threatening passers-by. The man seriously injured a female police officer before another officer shot and killed him.

An Orwellian nightmare

President Recep Tayyip Erdo?an has little love lost for Egypt?s Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, who he sees as a dictator that ousted the country?s democratically elected president in a military coup, and went on to stage-manage an election to give himself the appearance of being a democratic leader. Erdo?an is right, of course, because that is exactly what el-Sisi did. 

Syrian Islamist insurgents launch battle to seize government-held Aleppo

Syrian insurgents led by Islamist groups began a major offensive to gain full control of the divided northern city of Aleppo, a monitor and rebels said on July 2.

The fall of Syria's main commercial hub would be a major blow for President Bashar al-Assad, restricting his control mainly to a belt of territory stretching north from Damascus to the Mediterranean coast. 
