
Turkish units rescue dozens of migrants in Aegean Sea

The Turkish Coast Guard Command on Monday reported the rescue of 59 irregular migrants in the Aegean Sea, including 23 who were forcibly pushed back by Greece.

Among those rescued were 10 children, found adrift on a rubber boat pushed back by Greek authorities into Turkish waters near Karaburun, a district in the western province of İzmir.

Seven killed when migrant raft hits rocks off Turkey

A life raft carrying migrants crashed into rocks off Turkey's Aegean coastal town of Cesme on Tuesday, killing seven people on board, the Turkish coast guard said.

One person was rescued from the sea by a fishing boat which then alerted the coast guard. Eighteen others, including children, were rescued from the small island of Karaada near Cesme.

ECHR condemns Greece for naming HIV-positive sex workers in 2012

The Strasbourg-based European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) has ordered Greece to pay 8,000 euros to an unaccompanied child refugee, who in 2018 was left without accommodation for six months.

The court ruled, unanimously, that there had been a violation of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights on the prohibition of inhuman or degrading treatment.

Report shows over 2,000 refugees and migrants pushed back in 2022

More than 2,100 people, including children, women and people with disabilities, are alleged to have been victims of informal pushbacks during 2022, according to figures derived from the annual report of the Recording Mechanism that monitors, records and reports incidents of informal forced returns for the National Human Rights Commission.

Migrant testimonies point to a recurring practice of illegal pushbacks from Greece

A leading international medical charity alleged Thursday that testimony from dozens of migrants over the past two years points to a "recurring practice" of secret, illegal and often brutal deportations back to Turkey from two eastern Greek islands.

Greece urges Frontex not to pull out of the country as questions mount over migrant deaths

Greece's new minister for migration said Monday he would consider it "unthinkable" for the European Union to pull out its border protection force from the country, and promised to address a growing list of international grievances over dealing with migrants.

New minister vows to continue ‘strict but fair’ migration policy

The new migration minister promised Tuesday to continue a "strict but fair" policy toward migration and attempts at illegal entry into the country, following conservative New Democracy's sweeping re-election victory.

"We are humanitarians but not naïve," the new minister, Dimitris Keridis, told reporters hours after Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis' new government was sworn in.
