Balazs Ujvari

Greece: The Fire in the Alexandroupolis is the Largest in the EU since statistics have been kept

A forest fire in Greece is the largest recorded in the European Union, said a spokesman for the European Commission, quoted by "Guardian" and "AFP".

Eleven aircraft and a helicopter from the EU fleet have been sent to help fight the fire north of the city of Alexandroupolis along with 407 firefighters, Balazs Ujvari said on Tuesday.

EU mobilization to tackle Greek fires totals over 350 firefighters, 12 aircraft from 7 countries

Over 350 firefighters, 50 vehicles, and 12 aircraft have been mobilized by the European Commission, "helping to battle the flames across Greece," European Commission spokesperson for Budget and Human Resources, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Balazs Ujvari said in a statement uploaded on social media on Monday.

European Commission mobilizes nine firefighting planes for Greece

The European Commission announced on Thursday that it had mobilized a total of nine firefighting planes to contribute to efforts to put out the dozens of wildfires burning in the country.

"One of the largest mobilizations in recent years", noted European Commission Spokesperson Balazs Ujvari on social media.