Katerina Peristeri

Experts confirm Amphipolis tomb is linked to Alexander the Great

The first detailed presentation of the frieze, which probably comes from the base of the famous, giant statue of the Lion, was perhaps the most striking revelation made on Friday, regarding the Tomb of Amphipolis. A warrior leading a funeral procession is depicted wearing a distinctive Macedonian harness and the weapons of the dead.

Secrets of Amphipolis: Peristeri says the monument still has a lot to offer

Lead archeologist Katerina Peristeri, on a two-day visit to Cyprus, cast the spotlight on more secrets at Amphipolis that have yet to be revealed. The head of excavations in Nicosia since Thursday was a guest of the University of Cyprus. Her speech titled, “Macedonian tomb complex at Casta hill, Amphipolis: Excavations 2012-2014.”

Amphipolis commissioned by Alexander the Great for Hephaestion

Archeologists have drawn conclusions regarding the Amphipolis Tomb. They state that it was commissioned and financed by Alexander the Great in honor of his beloved friend Hephaestion. It was designed by architect Dinokrates or Stesikrates and was constructed at the end of the 4th century BC by Antigonus I Monophthalmus.

Amphipolis tomb’s future is about maintenance, not mystery

The mystery occupant of the Amphipolis tomb at Casta Hill dominated the international media a year ago, but now the site lies forgotten. The Central Archeological Council of the Greek Ministry of Culture will decide on the fate of the tomb on Tuesday after the results of the carbon-14 dating were publicised by the lead archeologist Katerina Peristeri on August 11.

Amphipolis chief archaeologist dismisses politically-tinged criticism

Politics in Greece is said to permeate practically every sector, and as such, archaeology is no exception. The latest political “tit-for-tat” comes after criticism by the leftist “Avgi” newspaper — which is affiliated with ruling SYRIZA party — over excavations at the Amphipolis site of northern Greece.
