Nikolai Ovcharov

Archaeologists Discover 3,000 Year Old Fortress near South Bulgarian Town of Zlatograd

A 3,000 year old ancient fortress was discovered by archaeologists near the South Bulgarian town of Zlatograd. The fortification is from the times of Troy and Mycenae and is one of the first evidence that ancient Thrace was part of the Cretan-Mycenaean culture, believed to have been the first civilization in Europe.

Archaeological Dig At Perperikon Gets Extra Funding

The archaeological dig at the Perperikon complex in south eastern Bulgaria got extra funding and will hire another 30 people, reports

The head of the expedition Nikolai Ovcharov told journalists that the extra BGN 80 000 funding from the Kurdzhali municipality expands the total sum for this year to BGN 150 000. 

Medieval Tavern Ruins Unearthed Near Bulgaria's Turgovishte

Bulgarian archaeologist Nikolai Ovcharov and his team unearthed the ruins of a medieval tavern in the town of Misioni, near the town of Turgovishte in north eastern Bulgaria.

At a news conference Ovcharov said that the archaeological dig found the remains of 10 tall and seemingly affluent buildings and the area was called Boyarski residences.