
The Almanac for the Presidency of the Republic: All the candidates that were considered

According to Article 31 of the Constitution, anyone can be elected President of the Republic provided they are a Greek citizen for at least five years, are of Greek descent from either their father or mother, are at least 40 years old, and have the legal capacity to vote.

Syria: The Commission acknowledges Turkey’s enhanced role

The European Commission acknowledges Turkey’s enhanced role in Syria ahead of a meeting next week in Ankara between its President, Ursula von der Leyen, and Turkish President Erdoğan.

“Turkey is one of the key players in the region,” stated Commission spokesperson Paola Pini today, when asked about von der Leyen’s upcoming trip to Ankara.

Is Erdogan the big winner amid the Syria crisis?

With the speed at which developments in Syria are unfolding after the fall of the Assad regime, dynamics in the country and the region are in flux.

One question many are asking, however, is whether a decade or so of backing elements of Syria's armed opposition is now about to pay off for Turkey and President Erdogan.
