
New mole species discovered in country’s east

Two previously undiscovered mole species, believed to have been around for 3 million years, have been identified in eastern Türkiye.

In a joint study conducted by Ondokuz Mayıs University in Türkiye, Indiana University in the U.S. and Plymouth University in the U.K., the new species were confirmed using DNA technology.

Naked mole-rats turn into plants when oxygen is low! (VIDEO)

Deprived of oxygen, naked mole-rats can survive by metabolizing fructose just as plants do, researchers report this week in the journal Science.

Understanding how the animals do this could lead to treatments for patients suffering crises of oxygen deprivation, as in heart attacks and strokes.

Greek and Danish uncover ruins of Ancient Greek port at Lechaion (pics + vid)

Researchers from the University of Copenhagen using cutting-edge technology to investigate the Corinthian port of Lechaion uncovered a well-preserved wooden caissons and also found that the port’s entrance canal was larger than previously believed. Lechaion is just one of the two Corinthian ports active from the 6th century BC to the 6th century AD.

Chilies and chocolates

Exactly 18 years ago, I was at the National Day of Mexico reception at Singapore Raffles Hotel. Finally, I would be able to taste the legendary mole poblano, wild turkey smothered in the scary dark bitter chocolate-chili sauce with a zillion spices