Haluk Dursun

Turkish-Japanese friendship comes to silver screen

The touching story of the Ertu?rul Frigate, which sank in 1890 in the coast off Japan, and the rescue of 215 Japanese citizens during the Iran-Iraq war in 1985 upon the order of the Turkish prime minister of the time, Turgut Özal, was launched at a press conference held at the Y?ld?z Palace Theater on April 28 in Istanbul. 

Museum constructed at Caesar's castle

A museum is under construction on the castle of Zile, known for Roman Emperor Julius Caesar?s famous phrase ?veni, vidi, vici? (I came, I saw, I conquered) to the Roman senate. A stone building, which was established on the land on the right side of the historic castle in the northern province of Tokat, is set to open as a museum when the refurbishments are complete.

'Turkey: Home' campaign in tourism

A press conferences was held Jan. 23 to provide information about the progress of the ?Turkey: Home? campaign, which was launched by the Culture and Tourism Ministry for Turkey?s promotion abroad.

The campaign includes a detailed digital and social media campaign as well as newspaper, magazine and open air advertisements all around the world.

Actress Hülya Koçyiğit leads list of Presidential Award winners

The recipients of this year’s Presidential Culture and Arts Grand Awards were announced Oct. 29, with famous actress Hülya Koçyiğit leading the list of winners.

Koçyiğit took home the award in the field of cinema as Niyazi Sayın won in the field of music, Alev Alatlı was honored in literature and Professor Engin Akarlı was selected for history.